Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year! Happy New Blog!

Hello and welcome to Eat Play Win, a blog about living with food allergies and eating properly for athletic success!  My name is Heather Angell and I am a professional golfer.  While I have a passion for sports and travel, I also have many food allergies. Diagnosis took me on a long journey. The foods I now avoid are: wheat (gluten), corn, eggs, dairy, yeast, along with a few unusual foods like dates, pinto beans, bison, cloves, and oysters. Managing these allergies while on the road for as many as five weeks at a time, in and out of the United States, has made life challenging and interesting.  Follow me on my journey and I will share with you tips, ideas, recipes, and allergen friendly restaurants I have discovered!

Chat soon!


  1. Love your new blog and I'm looking forward to keeping up with your experiences!!
    Dr. Menen
